Governor Chester of Iowa was asked what he thought of the California Supreme Court ruling in fairness it was probably because some idiot reporter in Iowa actually thought he would have something interesting to as on this so they asked him.
The ruling essentially was that they decided not to blatantly strike out sections of the constitution that had been passed according to the process laid out in the California Constitution, in short they chose to follow the law but exercised great arrogance in even hearing a case on the constitutionality of a constitutionally passed amendment but very few people seem to be pointing that out.
Regardless of the arrogance of the court, they did decided not to overturn the people and frankly since for a period of time the state operated as if same sex marriage was legal I think they did they only thing they could in ruling that same sex marriages that were performed during the time would be allowed to stand. This was what was expected to happen for some time so the only real news made was that they didn’t do something outrageously outside the bounds of their authority.
Chester however had to do the typical Chester thing and say something completely idiotic, totally wrong, and in general make a fool of himself while pretending to be a grown up with grown up views. Chester said that every state has their own constitution and the courts rule based on the law. Wow that’s brilliant isn’t it? I mean Chester’s opinion on this seems to be that the court would rule according to the constitution if you listen to what he said which should be obvious. The problem is that is not what happened in Iowa.
In Iowa the court made it up as they went along changing the meaning of our equal protection clause to suit their needs and the Legislature and Chester are allowing a ruling in one case with specific parties to apply to all 99 counties by not doing their jobs. This is a long way from courts ruling based on the law and within constitutional bounds and is really the problem with how this has been handled in Iowa. Regardless of what people think on the issue of what marriage aught to mean this is not how the system is supposed to work. Like Vermont and New Hampshire if Iowa wants to recognize same sex marriage as equal under the law then the legislature aught to pass it through the legislative process but they did not do that in Iowa.
In Iowa the legislature had passed and the Governor Vilsack signed a law that said the opposite. What we are existing under in Iowa now is judicial tyranny allowed by cowards in the legislature and the Governor's office and Chester has the nerve to tell that idiot reporter that courts rule based on the law which makes him seem to support constraint but in practice he allows tyranny and lawlessness.