I have created rules on my mail servers where I can set certain criteria to kill file anything I no longer have interest n receiving. Sometimes this comes in handy for a person who posts content on the internet. As anyone who has spent any amount of time online knows there are a number of kooks out there. In the old days on the newsgroup sci.skeptic we called these people net kooks and they included people like Earl Gordon Curley a self proclaimed psychic and total net kook who's website I now have archived on one of my servers. By the way I was one of the people lucky enough to be threatened with law suites by this wing nut when he could not answer my challenges to his bogus claims.
I used the system of kill-filing things off and on in those days when someone was no longer fun to mess with or if they seemed as if they may be a legitimate threat and I no longer wanted to even see any correspondence mentioning their name. I have not used it in some time but recently re-instated a kill file rule on my server to weed out a particularly vial person on YouTube.
The reason I re-instated it was because I attempted to have a conversation, the other person was content to curse and twist facts to make political points. He was totally incapable of understanding I could care less about his political views and I was not going got play my party good your party bad with him. He was also incapable of being rational and posted disparaging remarks about Trig Palin who if you do not know has downs syndrome and is only a few years old. He saw nothing wrong with publicly making fun of a child with a disability to him it was political points to score.
People of this low character are the reason I used to have a kill file and if I am to be more public online again I thought it was high time to set one up again.
So this is a notice to raving lunatics, net kooks, vulgarians and degenerates that if you email me, my server deletes it. If you reply to me here, on YouTube or several other places I won't list and the forum or site emails me, the server deletes it.
Let me repeat how this works just so you wing nuts get it. You email me, the server deletes it. I will never see it.
Now, how does it know to delete it you may wonder? That's the question isn't it? Well I am not about to tell anyone. Just know that you email me, the sever deletes it.
Thanks for reading.
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